Living creature - > sensor - > Database - > converting data - > generating 3D shape - > 3D printing
- > robotic sculpture/data-visual performance
As the first version of ‘Prometheus String’ series, the artist performed sensing six hours a day for a generation of kidney beans (a species with a short growth period), collecting data(such as temperature, humidity, size of plant, UV, etc.) that were then fed into a specially produced 3D shape-generating program that translated them into three-dimensional shapes of differing forms from day to day. Pieced together in sequence, the resulting figures became a sculpture in string form, showing the metabolic progress over the passage of time of a plant.
The project’s title, Prometheus String, draws both from the Greek myth of Prometheus who provided humankind with its first technological innovation by imparting the means of controlling fire, and from String theory which attempts to uncover the origin of the creation of the universe by explaining that all of the particles and fundamental forces of nature might be in one model as vibrations of tiny super symmetric strings.
Since April 2016, the research has been on going with regular advises by KNA(Korea National Arboretum). Basic technique like automation of sensing- physical computing-3D printing has been accomplished with a researcher from KIST.